Emily Wilde: Why Vegan

Why Vegan


One year ago I was on you-tube and I watched some videos about veganism, one of them linked me to the documentary 101 reasons to go vegan. It wasn't graphic, just a guy talking for about an hour. The link is below. I watched that i was very interested in why people eat meat dairy and eggs and also very angry that no one had explained the problems with the eating animals and their bi products to me before. I was also angry with myself for eating these things for 16 years. I realized though that instead of being angry about it I could take action and give up those foods that cause so many problems in society. 
Before this turning point i had only gone vegetarian a couple of times throughout my life but i always gave it up because I didn't want other people to judge me and think that I was weak for caring about animals. Now I know that it is a sign of weakness to not have the ability to take a stance against societies expectations and do what you believe in. 


I then watched more documentaries on being vegan, The other three that I would recommend are Cowspiracy, Forks over Knives and Earthlings. They are also linked below. Cowspiracy shows the environmental impacts of animal agricultural which for me was not something that I had ever thought about and that documentary was the most powerful for me. Forks over Knives outlines the health benefits of being vegan and eating whole plant based foods and the problems with what most of our population are eating. Neither of those documentaries are very visual but the third; Earthlings is. It is very powerful but if you can not sit sit through it I would recommend watching the other two first. Earthlings explains the impacts of animal agricultural on the animals. 

101 Reasons to go vegan
Forks over Knives - On netflix 

We are Herbivorous 



Lots of vegetables have higher levels of calcium absorption than milk.



High Carb Low Fat Diet

I believe that a high carb low fat wholefood plant based diet is the best way to eat all the nutrients you need and feel the best you can. 

Many doctors in this area recommend a ratio of 80/10/10. 
80% Carbs - Vegetables, Fruit, Potatoes Grains.
10% Protein - Soy, Beans, Legumes.
10% Fat- Nuts, Seeds, Coconut, Avocado.

Fruit & Sugar

All of the cells in our body need to be receiving a steady supply of sugar as every cell in our bodies runs on glucose. The best source of glucose is fructose (sugar found in fruit). 
Many people believe eating to many carbs can cause type 2 diabetes as carbs turn to glucose in the blood. Most people do not know what type 2 diabetes is. It is when there is too much sugar in the blood. But it is caused by the insulin key in your body not working, that happens when it;s clogged with fat. The problem is to much fat not to much sugar.

I do not calorie restrict. On a high carb low fat plant based diet you need to eat a larger amount of food. Just eat carbs until you are full. 

This is a link to the minimum calorie recommendation from the USDA and that is on the standard american diet. 

If you have any questions let me know and I'll be happy to help you out.